“Seismic tomography for non-seismologists – methods and their applications to imaging
mountain belts”, SPP 2017 in “Mountain-Building Processes in 4-Dimensions, 4D-MB”
Participants will be introduced to the concepts underlying state-of-the-art seismology. The
course is directed at non-seismologists and will show how these methods are employed to
obtain high-resolution images of subsurface features (faults, shear zones, Moho, LAB) as well
as to extract information on the rheology of the crust and mantle. Course materials will draw
heavily on the experience of the lecturers and will centre on case studies chosen to illustrate
the advantages, but also the pitfalls associated with methods currently used to image the deep
structure of mountain belts.
Early career scientists (postdocs) and PhDs in the SPP are expected to attend. However, the
course is also open to non-SPP members of the AlpArray community. Deadline for registration
is the 15th of December 2017. Please register by sending an email to us, the organisers, at the
email addresses below, and indicate if you are student in the SPP.
Mark Handy (mark.handy@fu-berlin.de, juliane.rohlmann@fu-berlin.de)
Michael Weber (mhw@gfz-potsdam.de, anke@gfz-potsdam.de)
SPP-Short Course Gruppenbild