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  • GeoTDF blog post (Tour de France) - Stage 18: An Uplifting Story


  • Public lecture at the Laudenbacher Geogespräche on July 26, 2024 in La Punt-Chamuosch, Switzerland, entitled: “AlpArray – das Jahrhundertprojekt zur Entdeckung des Alpinen Untergrunds”

  • Evidence for earthquakes in Roman archaeological sites around Klagenfurt

Article on meinbezirk.at

  • News articles on the Gailtal Fault (Christoph Grützner and colleagues)

Gailtal Journal Article

Meinbezirk.at Article

Kleine Zeitung Article

  • Bewegung am Berg (Movement on the Mountain)  –  Video news article on the LMU Munich project investigating seismicity at Mt. Hochstaufen, Bad Reichenhall (Germany)

Video link

Project link

  • Body Time Space – Interview with the dancer and choreographer Lina Gómez who talks about her project "Mountain", inspired by her meeting with Professor Mark. R. Handy.

Video interview

Studio Visit

  • Presentation on selected, preliminary results of the AlpArray experiment, given by E. D. Kästle at the GeoUtrecht2020.
Video presentation
  • Paleoearthquakes in the eastern Alps – new dating methods allow age determination about the Periadriatic fault for the first time (01. October, 2020)

Link to press release in English and German. Alternative links from idw and the University of Jena.

  • Report on paleo-seismic activities in southern Germany illustrating the work of the groups from RWTH Aachen and KIT in the German science TV program "Nano"

Link to video (3sat, Nano), Minute 16:30. Link to the last project report (Stress transfer and Quaternary faulting)

Title page on the 4DMB SPP in the FU newsletter supplement published in the Tagesspiegel.

  • Senckenberg press release: "When the Atlantic met the Alps: West Winds Have Determined Central European Climate for 14.5 Million Years"

The release is available in English and in German.

  • Video presentation given by Boris Kaus on models of the Alpine tectonic evolution.

EGU2020: Using geodynamic models to test plate-tectonic scenarios of the Mediterranean-Alpine area

    Badische Neueste Nachrichten, 5. October, 2019: "Wird weltweit ausstrahlen" (German)

    EN 24 News, 5. October, 2019: "Earthquake researchers show natural disaster near Ettlingen" (English)

    SWR, 7. October, 2019: "Karlsruher Experten erforschen Eiszeit-Erdbeben" (Video, in German)

  • Christoph Grützner (click here for a description of his project) is working with Prof. Marko Vrabec from the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). If you're interested in his work, you can have a look at this Documentary produced by the RTV4. Around minute 19:20 you can see them in the field, close to Idrija where the Idrija fault is located.

    RTV4 Documentary

  • Badische Neueste Nachrichten vom 12.06.2018

    "Warum wackelt es hier?"

  • NZ vom 10.02.2018

"Ein Schiff erforscht die Alpen"

  • Kieler Nachrichten vom 07.02.2018

"Alpen-Forschung auf dem Mittelmeer"

  • Lübecker Nachrichten vom 07.02.2018


  • Flensburger Tagesblatt vom 07.02.2018

"Kieler Tiefseeforscher untersuchen die Entstehung der Alpen"

  • BREV vom 07.02.2018

"Entstehung der Alpen wird untersucht"

  • Kieler Nachrichten vom 06.02.2018

"Kieler gehen den Alpen an den Kragen"

  • Informationsdienst Wissenschaft - Pressemitteilung GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Dr. Andreas Villwock (05.02.2018)

"Tiefseeforschung und die Alpen – wie passt das zusammen?"

  • Bild der Wissenschaft, Februar 2018

"Die Alpen-Spione"

  • Laudenbacher Geo-Gespräche/Engadiner Post vom 25.07.2017

Info Flyer

Presentation Mark Handy

  • "Lichtgedanken" (FSU Jena) und Ostthüringer Zeitung vom 13.07.2017

"Excavating traces from ancient earthquakes"

"Jenaer Geowissenschaftler graben alte Erdbebenspuren in Slowenien aus"
